SSL certificate failure on GoDaddy

Securing a website with an SSL certificate should be very easy and cost-effective. It not only enhances the trust of your website for visitors, it’s essentially required now. As of December 2019, Google’s Chrome browser started blocking all mixed or non-secure content on websites. Today, most sites serve their content via HTTPS to provide a … Read more

Backups, Migrations & More

UpDraft Plus recommended for backups

Need to backup your WordPress site, or, moving to a new domain/host, then these are the tools for you! UpdraftPlus Premium – * recommended * — Backup, Dropbox integration, Migration BackUpBuddy – The most popular plugin for backing up or moving a WordPress site. VaultPress – Backup, and security for your WordPress site from the developers … Read more

What Makes a Website Work?

Basic Information/Introduction. Compelling dialog to attract customers. Clarification of what service is provided. Listing of products available and why the customer “must” have them. Contact information/Point of Contact. A few FAQs. Relevant articles with regard to products and services. Explanation of why your business is the better choice; what differentiates your services/products, what makes you stand out. … Read more