SSL certificate failure on GoDaddy

Securing a website with an SSL certificate should be very easy and cost-effective. It not only enhances the trust of your website for visitors, it’s essentially required now. As of December 2019, Google’s Chrome browser started blocking all mixed or non-secure content on websites. Today, most sites serve their content via HTTPS to provide a … Read more

Yes you really need SSL

What is an SSL certificate and why do I need it? Setting up SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) on your website protects against eavesdropping and tampering with or forging the contents of your site. Have you seen that green padlock Google is using to indicate your site is encrypted (HTTPS protocol)? Google is calling for HTTPS everywhere on … Read more

Backups, Migrations & More

UpDraft Plus recommended for backups

Need to backup your WordPress site, or, moving to a new domain/host, then these are the tools for you! UpdraftPlus Premium – * recommended * — Backup, Dropbox integration, Migration BackUpBuddy – The most popular plugin for backing up or moving a WordPress site. VaultPress – Backup, and security for your WordPress site from the developers … Read more

Plugins in my Toolkit

eCommerce Woo Commerce Easy Digital Downloads eStore eMembership Custom Fields, Post, Taxonomy Pods Advanced Custom Fields Custom Post Type UI Page/Theme Builder BeaverBuilder BeaverThemer BeaverBuilder PowerPack Genesis Dambuster (for use with Genesis Themes) Administration Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades Content/Metadata Hide Title – hides page title Show Hide Author – hide author metadata – a security … Read more

What Makes a Website Work?

Basic Information/Introduction. Compelling dialog to attract customers. Clarification of what service is provided. Listing of products available and why the customer “must” have them. Contact information/Point of Contact. A few FAQs. Relevant articles with regard to products and services. Explanation of why your business is the better choice; what differentiates your services/products, what makes you stand out. … Read more